I sea quiche
This vegetarian quiche recipe keeps all the savory flavors of bacon without the actual meat. Keep it simple or classic or throw in any leftover vegetables that need eating up. Enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
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- 10 I sea bacon leaves
- 6 slices of pastry
- 6 eggs
- 125 gr of grated cheese
- Tear I sea bacon leaves in smaller pieces. Heat a layer of olive oil in a pan. Put a few bacon leaves in the hot oil (make sure that bacon leaves don`t touch the bottom of the pan).
- Bake the leaves 10sec on each side, till they turn green. Put the baked leaves out of the pan on a paper towel, repeat for all of the leaves.
- Heat the oven on 180 degrees.
- Put the pastry in an baking dish.
- Mix the eggs and grated cheese. Place baked I sea bacon on the pastry. Add the egg mix and shuffle a little. Put in oven for cca 30 min.
- Serve the piece with baked I sea bacon leaves on top of it.
You need the following product to prepare this dish:

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