I sea tortellini di Seaweed

This is one of those recipes that can't go wrong. You can prepare it within 15 minutes, making it perfect for chefs of all levels.

By Pascal van der Haas from @passiekookt

Pascal van der Haas
Pascal van der Haas@passiekookt Read More

"This "bacon" is a real positive surprise that I will certainly use more often."
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  • 10g of Seamore's Seaweed Bacon
  • Fresh ricotta tortellini 
  • Tomato seaweed pastasauce
  • 150g cherry tomatoes
  • 40g (vegan) parmesan cheese


Prepare the tortellini and the pasta sauce following the package instructions. Heat a dash of (olive) oil in a frying pan and fry the seaweed bacon for about 20-30 sec. Leave the bacon to drain on a piece of paper. Cut  the cherry tomatoes in half. Serve the pasta in deep plates with a spoonful of sauce. Divide the cherry tomatoes and seaweed bacon. Top it off with some (vegan) parmesan. Enjoy! ?

You need the following product to prepare this dish:

Get it !

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    4858 RJ Ulvenhout AC

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